Wednesday, June 20, 2012

A Girl and Her Horse Mini Quilt

At long last I have sewn something and actually finished it. Bravo for me! I used fabric AND thread!

It is called A Girl and Her Horse.

Wanna see details?

The Girl

The Horse

  Everyone Else

The Horse

OK. You don't need to tell me. I know I need to sew a lot more than a mini quilt to get through all this fabric before I'm dead.  BUT ... I've been busy since my last post -- ensuring that I will not be dead too quickly.

We just started a version of  Dr. Joel Fuhrman's Eat for Life diet. I'm saying a version because the books I ordered haven't arrived. Nonetheless, I'm plugging away and losing weight! 3.5 lbs in four days!

And since I'm not buying fabric ... I'm buying the accouterments to make us healthy. Like the Jack LaLane Juicer.

And a zillion supplements and organic goodies from my new favorite store

Well, that's all for today ... see you tomorrow!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Progress and Something Sewn

I've been slacking off again on posting.

Note to self: post if just to say hi to my QB buddies.

Progress is being made. So far I have three shelves full of fabric - and each is two bolts deep.

And I've organized my blank t shirts so I can embroider more of them ...

Shirts on the top row and some completed veils below.

NO. I am not going to show you the horrifying mess that is elsewhere. 
I will concentrate on the tidy bits, such as they are.
I have a looooong way to go.

But has she been sewing, you might ask?
Yes!  I didn't take photos, but I did send some nice dish towels to my SP on the quilt board and made a t shirt for another. 
OK. That's not sewing. How's this?

I made a tote bag with a little snack holder for my dear little friend, Miss Daisy! 
When she gets tired her mama can put her in the bag and carry her. 
I think that is a fine idea. 
Here's Miss Daisy

Not to be confused with my Daisy Mae

Well, that's all for now, except for an awesome photo of my son the chef ...

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

"Where have you been?" asks a friend. Probably the only person who reads this blog with any consistency besides me ....

Well, I've been slacking off. Sort of.

I made more earrings ... experimenting the thread colors for the seahorse earrings made with a Sonia Showalter design ...
These are very dense and while I would love to stitch them out using glitter thread I think it would be very tough to do without constant thread breakages.

And then I made a bunch of pocket angels for my friend Teresa who is going through a hard time and decided to turn some of them into earrings ... the ones without the fish hooks are also a Sonia Showalter design and I like them very much. Just need to play with making a loop for the top that also looks like a halo.

Got the lock and key lace onto fish hooks and the black hearts as well ...

That runner still isn't done. *SIGH*
OK ... off to fold more fabric.

Friday, June 1, 2012

A Day of Avoidance and Industry - Sort Of

When I left you yesterday, it was my hope to get some veils sewn out for my customers. Nothing tricky. Just the usual stuff. But with all the horrifying "you gotta break some eggs to make an omlette" mess in my studio (and all over) I couldn't find the laces I was looking for. At the edge of hysteria, I gave up. I got a few orders out the door and I guess I'll have to play catch up.

Today I finalized the partners list for the Doll Quilt Swap I coordinate on the Quilting Board. The month of May was Quilty Chaos and most everyone made Crazy Quilts which was rather spectacular. But, I digress.

That done, I decided I needed to clean off some shelves in my studio. There are floor to ceiling shelves on two walls. I don't even want to tell you what was on some of them. But I cleared off one and put the stuff where it should have been in the first place.

Just a small portion of that particular cabinet. The cans are six deep.
Yes. They were in my studio. Don't ask.
OK. You can ask. I'm a bit of a prepper. 
But they're all so nicely organized by classification! 

A couple of other things had to go, too. One of them is a sweet little oil lamp that my friend Miles really liked. He is someone who knows more about oil lamps and kerosene heaters (and a boatload of other stuff, too) than anyone on earth. Visit his website The End Times Report to know more than you want to know.  And then I guess you'll know that birds of a feather ... blah, blah, blah.
OK. Moving right along -- although I don't seem to be doing that at all -- I had some thank you gifts to prepare for my Quilting Board buddies. 

First on the list was Hoppa. He likes skulls. I wanted to make my friends quilting themed t-shirts, but most of them were too girly. Then I found Urban Threads where I spent far too much money on edgy designs. Thank goodness they were having a sale. Whew!  So I made one for Hoppa (aka Jeffrey) and one for Bruce.

How cool are those???

I also stitched out some lace skulls on different types of iridescent organza

Love the way you can see through the eyes and teeth!

Then I stitched out a really neat heart lock and key in black lace. 
They'll go onto a black velvet choker.

And, last but not least. Well, actually they are least because I don't like them much  are some black lace heart earrings stitched out on dark red organza. Not a good choice. Next time, just plain old red lace. 

"Hey! That's not sewing through your fabric!!!" 
Well, it is, sort of. I also want to use all my embroidery designs ... and use up all my thread. And there was organza involved. So there!

"What about that runner  you were going to finish last night?"
Didn't happen. Maybe tonight which I watch the last episode of The Hatfields and the McCoys. Then again, maybe not.

Sometimes you've gotta stop and smell the roses. 
Like this perfect rose my son brought me.

And now, since it's Friday - which means no meat - off we go to get some of my son's incredible fried calamari. Mmmmm. 
Did I mention he's one of the chefs at The Cabana?

Have a good Friday night!